Costa Rica launches financial program for women who protect natural resources

  • The iniciative “+ Women + Nature” will make three financial instruments available to mitigate the economic impacts generated by COVID-19.
  • Biodiversity managers, agricultural producers, ecotourism entrepreneurs, scientists and researchers will be able to access credits with favorable conditions to finance their activities.

In the framework of the International Day of Biological Diversity and as a strategy to mitigate the socio-economic impacts generated by the global pandemic by COVID-19, the Government of Costa Rica launched this Friday the + Women + Nature program, aimed at environmental managers .

The initiative, led by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Office of the First Vice President of the Republic, aims to strengthen the economic autonomy of women, facing up to gender gaps in nature management and progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At a press conference held at the auditorium of the Presidential Palace, Vice President Epsy Campbell Barr reported that + Women + Natura is a unique program in Latin America and the Caribbean, making Costa Rica a world leader in the search for concrete actions within the financial support. to guarantee the connection of nature with gender equality and the empowerment of women.

She remarked that Costa Rica “has understood that the conservation of natural resources is vital for human progress. While uncontrolled logging occurred in the world in the 1970s, ambitious environmental protection policies were applied in our country, which have been translated into nature-based and controlled solutions. Today the forest cover reaches 52% of our territory ”.

The Minister for Human Development and Social Inclusion, Juan Luis Bermúdez participated in the announcement of the + Women + Natura program; the Minister for the Women Condition, Patricia Mora; the Vice Minister of Environment, Pamela Castillo; the UNDP resident representative, José Vicente Troya; and the director of Fundecooperación, Mariella Feoli.

“It is a unique program in Latin America and the Caribbean, which makes Costa Rica a world benchmark for concrete actions that guarantee the connection of nature, equality of gender and women’s empowerment, ”said Vice President Epsy Campbell.

«We are providing a wide range of opportunities for all those biodiversity managers that they are going through a difficult situation. The sustainable development of our country is only possible if women participate actively and if they have a fundamental role in the management of nature, ”said Campbell.

The Vice Minister Castillo elaborated on the topic by remarking this initiative, as one of the first actions of this program, which presents three financial mechanisms that will inject resources into women work that directly contribute to safeguarding Costa Rican natural capital, at a crucial moment like the one we are experiencing.

Castillo also presented the first actions of the + Women + Natura program:

1. FONAFIFO Loan, to promote economic development and improve quality of life for rural women.

It is a financing line of assistance up to five million colones with a fiduciary guarantee, a term of ten years and a fixed rate of 4% per year for productive development, working capital, infrastructure, equipment and innovative forest-related projects.

There are also other lines of credit for higher amounts with another type of guarantee (mortgage, furniture or pledge).

With simple requirements, women who want to apply for this credit should call 2545-3500 or visit the website

2. Crédito Mujeres Natura, is aimed to integrate the gender perspective, equality and empowerment of women in the management of biodiversity.

It is a line of financing granted by Fundecooperación, of up to ten million colones, with a maximum term of five years.

Those who do not have a mortgage, movable, pledge or fiduciary guarantee can request the guarantee of FIDEIMAS.

Women who want to apply for this credit should call 2225-4507, write a WhatsApp message at 8615-2112 or visit the website

3. Payment of Environmental Services for Women, starting of this coming Monday, FONAFIF will prioritize the Payment of Environmental Services (PSA), to women owners of forests and forest plantations.

Women who want to apply to the PSA should call 2545-3500 or visit the website

«With the + Women + Nature Program we seek to make the biodiversity sector a cornerstone to strengthen the ventures carried out by women, encourage many of them to move into formality, as well as giving them more opportunities and decent working conditions,» said the Vice Minister Castillo.

The PSA consists of a financial recognition by the State for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, protecting biodiversity and water, as well as the beauty service scenic provided by forests.

The Minister for the Women Condition, Patricia Mora, remarked that this initiative will facilitate the framework of the National Policy on Gender Equality in the biodiversity sector.

“Rural women use 26 more hours of their time  which is directly associated with unpaid domestic work, making it difficult for them to participate in spaces of environmental leadership. That must change and that is why we believe that the + Women + Nature Program will make a substantive change, » said Mora.

The resident representative of UNDP in Costa Rica, José Vicente Troya Rodríguez, remarked in his intervention: “today more than ever, it is necessary to recognize women for their contributions and their leading role to advance towards the sustainable development and economic well-being of communities and the country «. 

He continued, «The time has come to join all parties and to generate efforts that go beyond administrations and that add to reduce the impacts of COVID-19,» he added.

About the + Women + Nature Program.

Led by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Office of the First Vice President of the Republic, it has also the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), the National Forest Financing Fund (FONAFIFO), the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), the National Commission for the Management of Biodiversity (CONAGEBIO), the National Institute for Women (INAMU), the Mixed Institute of Social Aid (IMAS), Fundecooperación for sustainable development, Euroclima, the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Regional REDD + Program.

About UNDP

The UN Development agency forges alliances with all levels of society to help build nations that can resist crisis, promotes and sustains a type of growth that improves the quality of life for all people. Reporting presence in nearly 170 countries and territories, we offer a global perspective and local knowledge at the service of people and nations.

About Fundecooperación

A non-governmental organization, represented by five key sectors of Costa Rican society: NGOs, civil society, government (national and local), the private sector and academia, which provides technical assistance and has more than 10 years of experience in its credit program with financing of productive activities led by sustainable micro, small and medium-sized companies.

Enlace de la transmisión del evento en el marco del Día Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica, lanzamos un programa financiero para mujeres que protegen los recursos naturales: +Mujeres+Natura

#Envivo en el marco del Día Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica, lanzamos un programa financiero para mujeres que protegen los recursos naturales: +Mujeres+Natura #CRmasNatura

Publicado por Casa Presidencial Costa Rica en Viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020