Reunión Secretario General Ángel Gurría_Gabriela Ramos_OCDE_Presidente Carlos Alvarado_1/04/2020_Foto Julieth Méndez

In conversation with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Costa Rica continues to actively promote multilateral solutions to the pandemic

Regarding the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, Costa Rica continues to display an intense international agenda, making a strong call to confront this serious crisis with a renewed multilateral spirit and an innovative vision of international cooperation and solidarity.

This included a telephone call between the President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, and the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Antonio Guterres.

During the conversation, President Alvarado Quesada referred to two recent global initiatives promoted by Costa Rica to mitigate and confront the devastating impacts on people’s health, and on the economies «of the most vulnerable.»

Secretary General Guterres, for his part, praised Costa Rica’s handling of the pandemic and highlighted the humanitarian attitude towards vulnerable populations, in particular women, children, the elderly and refugees, among others. He also welcomed the President’s proposals and promised to follow up on them.

Additionally, both agreed on the importance of all countries implementing the recommendations issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the fight against the pandemic.

Finally, President Alvarado reiterated to the Secretary General, during the conversation held on April 4, the support of Costa Rica for his recent call for a world ceasefire of all conflicts that affect the planet. «A country of peace like Costa Rica carries in its heart its vocation to silence weapons,» said the President.